About Jesus

For Christians, Jesus is there to bring peace, guidance and love into our lives and those around us. Jesus and His teachings really can transform people.
“For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.” – John 3:16

Who Is Jesus?

Put simply, Jesus is God in human form. Because God loves us so much, 2000 years ago Jesus was sent down to earth to die for our sins so that whoever believes in Him can be forgiven of their sins and live a full life and forever in Heaven.

Jesus was killed but on the third day, when His followers visited His tomb, they found that it was empty. Jesus had risen from the dead and was alive to share His story with others. This is what we call ‘The good news’

Why Jesus?

In the Bible, it promises that Life with Jesus will fill us with a new kind of Joy and Love that we have never experienced before.

Jesus says that He came to give us life and life to the fullest. Life has its difficulties and always will. But a life with Jesus helps you through the problems and watching God intervene can be powerful and inspiring.

We may desperately need help in our lives or we may feel quite comfortable. Either way, Jesus is there to enrich and take us to the next level.

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Learning more about Jesus is done best through seeing what he has to say and how others talk about Him. 

How To Follow Jesus

There’s no one specific formula on how to follow Jesus, yet following Jesus is the key to living a whole Christian life. You can find books on how to follow Jesus, but everyone’s opinion is different.  How do you know the “right” way to follow Jesus? Here’s what the Bible says.

1. Decide that you want to try out Jesus

The first step to doing anything is deciding in your heart that you want to do it.

2. Ask Jesus to come into your life

The first thing that you must do is accept Jesus as your Lord and Saviour. 

Jesus loves you and wants to have an eternal and personal relationship with you. By accepting Jesus as your Saviour, He forgives your sins, delivers you from the fear of death, and loves you unconditionally.

Accept Jesus Christ and experience His comforting presence, power, wisdom, and guidance. All you need to do is open your heart to Him and accept His sacrifice for you. It really is that easy. Then continuously seek His will in your life. Ask Him to give you the wisdom, strength, and determination to live a whole Christian life.

3. Love God

Show God how much you love Him through your prayers and actions.

4. Love Others

In Mark 12:31 Jesus said, “You shall love your neighbour as yourself.” Loving others is essential when it comes to living a Christian life. Jesus said to His followers, “By this, everyone will know that you are my disciples if you love one another” (John 13:35). The single greatest way to represent Christianity is to love each other.

5. Read The Bible

Like with any relationship or friendship, you get to know someone better by spending time with them and learning about them.

There’s a difference between personally knowing God and just knowing about Him. Having a personal relationship with God starts with learning more about him. If you have access to a Bible, read it and grow yourself.

Have you made a commitment to God? Let us know!

If you have decided to follow Jesus, we would love to celebrate with you and help you with your journey to knowing more about Jesus.